Covered California Update August 30, 2013

Happy Labor Day Weekend!  I hope you all have had a safe, healthy and happy summer.  Hard to believe that Fall and the Holidays are just around the corner.  Ok, I’ll stop.  Also right around the corner is the impending change in our healthcare system, more specifically, the “Health Insurance Exchange”.

The Covered California website ( is now up and running in preparation for the new health insurance exchange. Plan and premium information is now available.  Using my own existing individual coverage as an example, I compared what I’m currently paying to what will be available to me under the new exchange. The two plans are not identical but similar.

Laura’s Example:
PPO Plan with a 40% coinsurance amount – age 46, living in San Bernardino county
Current monthly premium under Anthem: $146
Proposed 60 Plan under Anthem (in the exchange): $258

If I had an annual income of $35,000, I would receive a $30 per month tax credit.

See the Cost Calculator for more information.

So, I have my concerns about what lies ahead. People have a perception that the new coverage will be less expensive that what they currently have or have looked at. I don’t see where that’s the case here.  I’ll keep you posted.


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